
 It is my third post of dimension series .

If you are new go see the previous post


So let's talk about 1 dimension


   Do not disappoint 1D being 3D creature . It is a fundamental dimension without which 3D could not exist. It can be told as the base of all dimensions. By the name you can easily make out that it is a concept about one and only one type of direction. Back and forth. In this dimension you cannot see side of your self . You can only go backward and forward. Simply a line can represent the 1D. But as I have said before we cannot draw a perfect 1D in 3D. Think , the line you are making with pencil has a width , however very small but have a width. So if we shrink the width further and further and make its width 0 , the line will disappear in 3D , isn't it? Hence, you cannot draw a perfect 1D. This concepts will be discussed later. 

Now you have often learnt or heard of a theory that is a line is summation of several dots. But wait, what is the length of a dot? 0 , isn't it? So how the summation of several dots can make a length? This is quite right theory but has been described wrongly in school. Say, there is n number of dots in a line. So the length should be

n×length of dots

=n× 0


  But, we know, length of total line is not 0. This means that a higher dimension cannot be only summation of some lower dimension things. Actually with dots 1D can be described in this way→ if two dots are placed in two different individual positions the only one fundamental way to reach one from another or to connect them is a line. Inside the line we can imagine a lot (tends to infinity) of dots or individual position or 0D "point". 

   Later we will see that to increase dimension we can make operations with lower dimensions in two ways. 

1) By putting perpendiculer two elements of previous dimensions to pop in next dimension.

2) By making a bend in lower dimension into next dimension.

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