
This is the 2nd post of my series of Dimensions. Checkout the first one in blog by searching "Dimension_001" or click this link 👉 Dimension_001 ;

Now I'm going to clear some misconceptions about dimension after describing each. I'll start from 0D to 10 D.

 0D :-

              0 Dimension simply means 0 number of fundamental ways. You simply can make out its meaning from its name that it is "no way" actually. A 0D space is just a position without any  direction to go. It is only a POINT where you cannot think about where you are and what is infront of me. Because in that space you will be stucked for eternity without moving. You cannot even fit in that because it is infinitely small and cannot be imagined. Here, some of you will ask that we have learned 0D and have learned to draw a point also. Why am I saying these ridiculous things? Actually, you have been fooled and lied in your school. You surely have learnt like this things 👇

Hey, now look at the 0D . Dont be illuted . that is a circle isn't it? We can measure its area. So a pencil or pen made "dot" is not a 0D point at all. We can imagine a smaller dot than this one which actually can move inside this one. Infact, we actually cannot draw something like that not even can imagine at all. That 0D space will be infinitely small and that is only a position. Make your mind, I know that thinking a space only with a position with only that position without anything else is a weird concept. But , thats why it is called 0D. No way! If your consciousness is there you cannot even look infront of you. Because, THERE IS NO FRONT OR BACK. no way. The conception of anything is forbidden there. It is just a singular existence without anything else. The image is such because our hand is bound. For some simple and very simple conception in the little brain of kids this kind of picture is drawn. But, do not think something else is drawn in higher physics . This is universally used notation. This means that the position, the 0D space is somewhere there. we cannot say exactly or draw exactly. The ink of pen or the particles of chalk is 3D molecules and they cannot make 0D image. Apparently they makes an appearance of 2D but thet can never make a 1D or 0D space's image. So what is 1 D?


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