It seems to be a weird question that "Is this world real?" Why it seems to be too real? Because we see it, isn't it? We see things exist and happen as time flows. Besides seeing, we also hear, touch, smell and taste to realize our surroundings. Thus, we say "there it is" or "that is happening". Think if you had no eye, nose, ear, tongue or feeling of touch or pain; then, you would be very helpless. Why? Because you would not be able to sense anything then. Surprisingly, you won't be able to say how the world around you is. You have to have those parts of your body to realize the truth or experience the reality. Now, what are the functions of those parts? Simply they are sensitive to stimuli (such as light, smell, sound etc.) and those stimuli make nerve impulses that are carried by sensory nerves to your brain. In conclusion, what your brain experiences make an image of 'reality' and you simply believe that without confusion.


                Now suppose you are sleeping as well as dreaming. Could you ever realize in your sleep that you're dreaming; the things you see in the dream seem to be very real at that time, isn't it? When you wake up, you realize it was a dream. But, before that, you can't make out the differences. I intend to tell that, what the brain experiences are nothing but a bunch of stimuli. But there is no guarantee that the stimuli came from reality, i.e. whether the stimuli are real. While dreaming, the stimuli probably come from the reactions and interactions of neurons inside the brain during sleep. We think those images, the stimuli create inside the brain, as reality. Please give special attention to this that while being inside a dream, we cannot differentiate what we see and feel from reality. When we wake up, then, we can make out the differences.


                Now here is the BIG question! Can you surely say that you are not in a dream right now while reading this article? No, you cannot. The stimuli you are getting right now may not be real. Maybe this is a dream. No way to surely say whether this is a dream or not. What if this is a dream from which you can never easily wake up to make out the differences?

                Here comes the Simulation Hypothesis. It says the world we live in may not be real. It may be true that some system (or creature with far more intelligence) has plugged our brain into a very very advanced simulation. The rules of physics and chemistry may be the codes used to create this simulation world. This all seems to be science fiction, but truly it may be real. 


            Elon Musk once said in a conference that some years ago the games we used to play was very low quality and nothing but a bunch of pixels or squares moving around. But, now we can see the games are how much high definition. Extending this continuity, he guessed with an intuition that in future there may be games where we will be able to enter mentally and things will be absolutely real. Then he added that this world maybe something like that. Some say this may be a multiplayer video game and we all are the players.

        This tends to a concept that the emotion, humanity all is coded and therefore imagination of such reality makes many people afraid. In the show of grand design of Stephen Hawking (in the channel Discovery Science) it has been discussed briefly that nothing is random. The things we do, the things we imagine all is previously decided. I'm not talking about fate. What I'm saying is every bit of the future can be calculated. The thing is that is so hard that 'we' cannot do that. For example, if we toss a coin the result (whether it is head or tail) seems to be random. But it is not. If we measure the force applied to the coin, the position where the force was applied, the value of gravity, mass and shape of the coin, the height of the point from where the coin was thrown and an enormous number of such details, we can calculate what will be the result. But, the thing is 'we', the human has not invented some way to 'easily' do that; so 'we' cannot. But the result is not random. It is measurable. Randomness will be discussed briefly in another post. But, from this, you can realize what you choose to do or choose to think is not random. All are effected by the complex cluster of environmental and internal stimuli and the work of the brain. So how complex it is, it is measurable. So what you are going to do 1hr later is also can be calculated. What we think, what we feel all follows the rule of nature. Nothing is random at all. So why cannot we think that everything is pre-coded and this is nothing but a simulation?


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